...reading all of the similar stories...
13 Nov 2014
Oh my God!! I am just overwhelmed today after reading all of the similar stories from families that have suffered like me and my son. I just cried when reading. This has been a 29 yr. nightmare. My son has had so many emotional problems and been disgnosed with everything from ADHD to schizophrenia and on every type of medication. Been inpatient childrens mental ward, psychiatric childrens hospital, theraputic foster care, long term placements in childrens homes and then in a specual education department placement at a boys school. Every time i would tell the psychiatrists and doctors that I thought it was because of the drug yutopar or brethine, they never listened. I begged them to do brsin scans and blood work but none was ever done. I kept telling myself that if he had all the problems they diagnosed him with, then why wasn't the medication working to treat him.
Besides the problems dealing with all if that; the biggest loss has been the bond and love and trust between me and my son. He has such resentment towards me for being locked up most of his life in institutions.